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“Regular joint training at all levels is... essential to ensuring close
coordination during an actual incident”

"9/11 Commission Report”

 and implementing emergency plans, 

a effective Communications Plan; 

OneStar develops, conducts and evaluates Training Exercises that are fully compliant with the Department of Homeland Security’s Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP). These HSEEP Exercises are designed, delivered and evaluated by OneStar’s FEMA-certified Master Exercise Practitioners.  The Company also provides reviews and revisions of emergency plans as well as training in various emergency preparedness-related topics such as the Incident Command System (ICS) and the National Incident Management System (NIMS).  

OneStar  can assist healthcare organizations in complying with the emergency preparedness requirements established by the Centers for Medicare and Medidcaid Services (CMS).  The Company can aid healthcare facilities in developing emergency plans,  policies and procedures;  an effective Communications Plan; and a comprehensive Training and Exercise Program.

HSEEP Exercises validate an Organization’s emergency plans which  form the basis for effective response to emergencies.  These Plans help to ensure Continuity of Operations (COOP) during and after an incident.

The Exercises improve the disaster Prevention, Planning, Preparation, Response and Recovery processes of schools, healthcare facilities, businesses, government agencies, communities, and other organizations.  The HSEEP format used by OneStar is a capabilities and performance-based exercise program that provides  consistent exercise design, conduct, evaluation, and improvement planning.

Based on HSEEP standards, OneStar’s Master Exercise Practitioners support organizations in their efforts to achieve objective assessments of their capabilities so that strengths and areas for improvement can be identified, corrected and shared as appropriate prior to a real incident.

Each OneStar Continuity of Operations Training Exercise is individually designed to meet an Organization’s unique preparedness needs. Annual HICS-based Exercises can play an important role in any hospital’s efforts to ensure compliance with NIMS and CMS Regulations. Training and Exercises will also aid schools and Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in meeting NIMS standards.